Our entire range of glass skylights can be adapted and extended for your project, whether that is a custom large size or custom glass specification we can design a glass skylight solution for you.  We have a proud history of finding solutions for natural daylight, ventilation or access glass skylights.  We’ve designed custom shapes, custom sliding configurations, whether split opening or stacking and even hydraulic hinged skylights.

Our design team has grown with demand as requests for our one-off designs have increased; we now employ an entire team of talented CAD designers who specialize in custom skylight window design. The type of project they work on can be as straightforward as an unusually shaped fixed glass skylights or, just as often a complicated sliding skylight arrangement with a combination of fixed, moving, and even stacking glazed sections within its frame.

Hinged glass skylight

Skylights have moved way beyond their original function, so much so that the term ‘skylight’ sometimes doesn’t do the product justice. We have designed faceted glass systems which are heated to reduce condensation over swimming pools, sliding ridge skylights which can retract along the apex of your roof, integrated hinged access skylights into larger sections of fixed glazing to provide enormous amounts of natural daylight and access within one feature. One off skybox configurations with increased glass strength for snow load, solar controlled glass arrangements, the list goes on.

If you have a glass skylight concept in mind, the first step would be to contact our Technical Specification team, who will be able to offer advice and help shape your scheme so that it can be delivered to specification and on budget.

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