3 No. Custom Sliding Skylights 4100mm x 820mm, sliding in the 820mm dimension to create 100% clear opening, wall abutted on one 4100mm dimension, pitch to be built into the skylight
2 No. Fixed Flushglaze Skylights 8200mm x 820mm, in 4 sections of 2050mm x 820mm with a silicone seal at the join (to align with internal beams), wall abutted on the 8200mm dim 1 No. Fixed Flushglaze skylight 2050mm x 820mm, wall abutted on the 2050mm dim
3 No. Fixed Flushglaze skylight 2200mm x 820mm, wall abutted on the 2200mm dim 1 No. Custom Sliding skylight 2450mm x 820mm, sliding in the 820mm dimension to create 100% clear opening, wall abutted on one 2450mm dimension, pitch to be built into the skylight
If you would like to discuss design considerations for an upcoming project, call Glazing Vision on 833-759-3667
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